Sunday, July 12, 2015

Lets recover tourism this way

Unfortunately, recent earthquake changed our identity all over the world.
Before the earthquake,  if anyone asked. "what is one thing that comes to your mind when you hear Nepal?",
then there used to be variety of answers, some would say  "monks and the spinning prayers' some would say "Sherpas", some would say "mountains" and others would say "ethnic diversity and landscape",
but now, upon asked the same question, we get one identical answer "EARTHQUAKE". In such a situation, how can we uplift our tourism sector?

 Now that I have presented the problem, I also have a solution to this.

I literally asked some foreigners "what is the one thing that comes to your mind when I say Nepal?" no doubt, most of them replied Earthquake

But I also got some nice answers like - beautiful country, generous people.

when I analyzed it further, what I found was

Those positive things were answered by those tourists who have already visited Nepal in past.

Then I got an idea, why not?

  • Every travel agent appoint at least one person as an ambassador (that person who visited Nepal through their agency)
  • ask them to speak about Nepal and encourage others to visit Nepal 

Spread the message that Nepal is much more than just " people waiting for the earthquake to stop and old temples luring in rubble"

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