Tuesday, July 7, 2015

After quake Nepal – offers something for everyone

 For writers

 No doubt one day all rubble will be cleared, all lives will be uplifted but there will always be something to write for a writer about the devastating earthquake. Among us who are still alive has at least one interesting story to share. Not only tragic, but also about the united Nepal at that time. Come to Nepal, jot down these real stories and of course you can give your fictional touch, if you like. Either your interest is in fiction or non – fiction, we have lots of stories to share.

For photographers and film makers

These rubbles, homeless people, tents, temporary houses, and other results of earthquake will remain a history. This is a good opportunity for photographers and filmmakers to capture these all and keep them safe for keeping a record. And of course regardless the quake, Nepal is still very beautiful. You can always have the eyes comforting photographs of the beautiful scenery.

For disability organizations

This earthquake has left many of us physically disabled. People are in dilemma, how to start a life now.  A person who used to earn for his whole family, now finds it difficult to carry on his daily activities. Therefore, if you are sincerely willing to help disables, come to Nepal and make a change.

For counselors

someday back I saw a news headline about the increased number of suicides in Nepal following the earthquake. I am not sure if that news is true or not but what I can imagine is lots of people lost their loved ones, their house, their own body parts, their courage, their mission, leaving them helpless and hopeless. If you are a psychologist, you can come to Nepal and examine yourself while helping these helpless.

For architectures

houses have turned to rubble, though we are struggling to rebuild ourselves, if you are architecture, your ideas are always welcomed. Come to Nepal and help Nepal rise from rubble. In the meanwhile you can have sightseeing, trekking and of course everything that Nepal can offer.

For celebrities

You are made a celebrity because you have impacted people and if you are a celebrity; you have that capacity to impact people. Come to Nepal, set an example that Nepal is still safe, show that you are in Nepal and ultimately help revive tourism back.

For Non resident Nepalese

No matter if you live in Nepal or not, if you belong to Nepal, then it’s for sure that you want to help Nepal. Provide your presence either as a tourist or as a volunteer. Nepal needs you.

For a normal tourist

Last but not the least, tourists are the main source of income of Nepal’s economy. Thus come to Nepal, spend in Nepal while exploring Nepal. Tourists are considered a guest and guests are considered a god here.


  1. Very Unique way to describe Nepal for different types of tourist to attract after earthquake.

  2. Very good idea to promote Nepal after 25/04 Earthquake.
